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The Scottish Flyfisher

Robin Lambert Website Owner


Keen fly fisherman, fly tyer and website owner and grandkids call me Grumpa as I can be a Grumpy Auld Man at times.


The Scottish Flyfisher website is dedicated to listing all trout fisheries; lochs and rivers within Scotland with full information on each listing as best as possible for the discerning fly fisherman/woman who is looking for that perfect location for a good day's fishing.


If you know of any fisheries, lochs or rivers that can be added to the website, please use the contact page and let me know and I will be happy to add them to the website.


Fishing Product Reviews:


I am happy to review fly fishing-related products, providing the products and the review will add value to the community that visits this site. 


Please contact us using the email address

or contact form in the first instance.


Advertising Space:


Please drop me an email if you would like to advertise your fly-fishing website, or holiday accommodation on this site. 


All requests will be considered on their individual merits as long as the product or website being advertised is relevant and will be of benefit to our visitors.


The Scottish Flyfisher is an Affiliate of and obtains a commission for every sale through the website.


The Scottish Flyfisher is only associated with and is not responsible or liable for any dispute or grievance with through the purchases made.

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